Well, it's coming and it's coming fast. Just a week from Thursday. Time for family and good
cheer and the holiday spirit and all those things. And I hope you all enjoy the season.
But am I the only one who feels a lot of stress at this time of year. So much to do. Christmas
cards, putting up the tree, gifts, traveling and all the rest.
Is it just me or do other bloggers feel it is difficult to celebrate the season the way it is
portrayed by Norman Rockwell or the Currier and Ives paintings. Oh, and tomorrow
night it is time for luminara and I've got to put the sand in the bags and put the candles in
them and space them just right in front of the house.
I hope I don't sound like Scrooge.
Notes from Beth
13 hours ago
Hey FD...Christmas has always been a combination of joy and stress for me. In some ways it's less stressful now that my boys are grown but then more stressful in missing Matthew. I now do whatever I want to do and to heck with the rest. If you want to do the luminary then enjoy it but if you don't, then don't do it and don't feel guilty. I don't snail mail cards anymore, As for gifts, I make everyone give me a list of what they want (Amazon is my best friend LOL). Gift bags are also awesome! Sending lots of positive energy your way.
ReplyDeleteHugs and Blessings...
Thanks for all the positive energy. Merry Christmas.
Please don't stress, Sir. Just think I will be there soon to jingle your balls. I mean bells. Jingle your bells.
ReplyDeleteI love you.
Your good girl
I can't wait for you to come and do that, my good girl.
DeleteLove, Your Sir
I used to get stressed to the max. Now I just enjoy it. Its my favorite holiday and I refuse to let it stress me out. A couple of years ago I was so broke, my life was in shambles, I'd lost my job, the love of my life and well I couldn't have been any lower I couldn't afford to buy a single gift and things were so bad I couldn't much care either. I learned that year that all the years worth of stress weren't worth it. I couldn't give a single gift and the world didn't end. I couldn't afford a tree and the world didn't end. Yeah stress is silly. Feel the joy that's what its really supposed to be about!
ReplyDeleteGreat idea to feel the joy. And Merry Christmas to you.
I think you are feeling what most of us feel. While we should be enjoying the season.. there are too many things we worry about getting done to keep us from it. Time to take a deep breath and just try to think of the things that make us happy. Spending time over a great meal with the people we love... and celebrating that we can be together.
ReplyDeleteSo... while you are not alone... I think it would be nice if we could all just step back and enjoy ! Have a very merry christmas my friend!
Great idea to step back and take a deep breath and enjoy. And Merry Christmas to you.
I get stressed for Christmas too FD. Christmas is an industry and although it is based in the notion that we love each other, and want to be with each other, and the importance of friends and family, it's an industry. The religious significance left a long time ago.
ReplyDeleteAll I want for Christmas is a proud and satisfied Mistress
That is the perfect Christmas wish.
I think time of year is stressful for everyone. Maybe do something for yourself??
ReplyDeleteThat is a good idea. And Merry Christmas to you.
We don't live in that time anymore. Nowadays, we are like rats in a maze, following the dictates of what we think we are supposed to do and say. By the time the day is finally here, it's almost anticlimatic with all the preparation and being inundated since September with buying this and doing that.
ReplyDeleteLife in a Norman Rockwell painting, for all its hardships, looks pretty inviting.
We need to slow down and enjoy the moment. Merry Christmas to you.
I don't know anyone that doesn't get stressed this time of year. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteGood luck to you, too, and Merry Christmas.
Hi FD -
ReplyDeleteHonestly I think EVERYONE gets stressed this time of year; it is added things to do with no additional time or resources per se (Coincidentally I actually posted about the topic today).
If it makes you feel better, it is difficult to celebrate the season in the way portrayed by Norman Rockwell because that was an ideal. There is a book out that I've been meaning to read about Rockwell; his life was anything but the ideal life he painted. It backs my point of "Did the good ol'days really exist?"
By the way, I didn't know you all put up luminarias in Florida? I though that was a Southwest tradition.
Yes, we have luminarias in Florida. One guy even puts up a lit up alligator on the roof pulling the sleigh. And, yes, even Norman Rockwell couldn't live up to a Norman Rockwell painting.
I always get stressed and then often become sick because I'm so worn down. As soon as Thanksgiving is over, I rush to pull out the decorations and enjoy every minute of it but by this time...10 days away...I'm ready to pull my hair out. I have to constantly remind myself that I'm only one person and can only accomplish so much. I will also try very hard to make time for me, even if it's just watching some TV or reading a book before heading to bed. Be sure to take it easy.
ReplyDeleteGood idea to make time for yourself. I will try to do the same. Merry Christmas.
Hi FD, I end up stressed every year, and I don't even really have that much to organise! Buying some gifts for yourself helps a little I think :)
Yes, we all get stressed. Buying gifts for yourself might help.