Thursday, January 28, 2016


I know texting seems to be more popular these days than talking on the phone. I can see texting for short message but to me it seems much easier to talk on the phone than to have a long texting conversation.
Anyway, here's a story in the New York Times about a woman who kept getting texts from a guy, who not only didn't call but didn't ask her out.

So what are your thoughts on texting vs. talking on the phone.



  1. I confess I'm more likely to text than call.

  2. I hate talking on the phone so I texted.

  3. My daughter loves texting to avoid long conversation - she just has a question and needs an answer. I've go so I use it too for the same reason. I know my kids will answer a text a lot quicker than a 'please call me back' message.

  4. Texting has its place...if I need a reply from one of my kids I text. Along the lines of face time..that is my favorite...I get to see the grands lovely faces and we get to giggle together. That ranks right up there with my weekly long chats with my sister.
    hugs abby

  5. I text for short things, but if it's going to be a paragraph, I call. I don't have the patience to fiddle around on my phone like that.

  6. I text for short Q&A but for longer conversations or where you really need to hear the nuance in someone's voice, I much prefer phone. My kids will also answer a text faster than a 'please call me' message.

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

  7. texting is fine during the day with friends, if email is out of the question. but I get my fill of email also and like to pick up the phone and talk to someone. Business can get done via email but the personal touch by talking on the phone works better. I like to text my wife about spanking things.
