Am I the only person who hasn't taken down the Christmas tree? In fact, I should be doing it right now, but it is more fun to write a blog post. There is just something depressing about taking down the tree and packing up the lights and ornaments. A sign that another holiday season has come and gone and now we're in the reality of January and February, two of the more depressing months of the year. I have to get serious about putting the tree on my to do list.
Another depressing thing about the end of the holiday season is that the grocery stores stop selling egg nog. In fact, they were on sale last week with the sign "while supplies last.'' So I bought five half-gallons and froze them. I can stretch out the egg nog for another month or so. Gosh, I just love egg nog although I hate to think of the calories, especially since I am supposed to lose 15 pounds. And do you notice when they sell something as low fat, it doesn't taste as good as when it has the fat? Of course, I always love when they say low fat ice cream. How ridiculous is that?
Do any of our readers know the story of the Rex Ryan foot fetish videos? For the non-sports fans in the audience or our friends across both ponds, he is an American football coach so he has a high profile job. And he and his wife started making foot fetish videoes a few years ago in which they showed her face. Well, somebody recognized her and the videos were posted online and it was kind of embarrassing for him, who said it was a personal matter. Except that I can't figure out why they showed her face, I find it interesting that after over 20 years of marriage, they were making sexy videos. No "not tonight dear, I have a headache,'' line for them. Instead, it's do you have the camera set up? I am not into feet myself, but I find it interesting that people into feet are said to have a fetish. If you are obsessed with cleavage the way I am, that is considered normal. Go figure. Also, don't notice too many spankos into feet. I suppose there are blogs devoted to feet but I haven't tracked them down.
Speaking of cleavage, I was in the drugstore the other day and the young cashier had her top unbottoned a bit and I noticed a silver ball in her chest between her cleavage with another one about an inch lower. I was dying to ask her about it, but I had never seen her before and didn't bring it up. Now I've seen pierced nipples and navels, but not in the cleavage. Interesting. And so I started to check her out more closely and she had a one-half inch ribbon around her neck. I wondered, is she kinky? When she asked me if I wanted a bag for my card, I normally would have said don't bother but I wanted her to move to get another look at the silver balls. Isn't it nice we have blogs to talk about things like this, which I would never do in real life.
Speaking of greeting cards, I was getting one for my son-in-law and there were very few compared with the tons of cards for sons? Dont' people send cards to their son-in-laws?
And this is about gender, not politics because I don't want to get into politics, but have you noticed that new House Speaker John Boehner cries all the time. Yet he replaces a woman, Nancy Pelosi. Had she cried, she would have been considered weak. Instead, she had a tough reputation which is valued in a man, but she was often called the b word. Women rarely have an equal playing field.
And now that the holiday season is over, are you getting back in your routine and getting more spankings than when you were so busy during the holidays?
Ok, those are a few random thoughts for today, which I happen to find interesting. Hope you did too.