This has been a special week for me. I've been visiting my two month old grandson for the first time.
The little tyke is only two months old and a darling baby but then maybe I'm prejudiced.
The first day he kind of fussed when I held him but since then he's often slept in my arms. One time in the rocking chair as I rocked him, I even dozed off too. He's only nine pounds and easily fits in the crook of my arm.
His little thumb is so small that he can't suck it so, he sucks his little fist. The doc said he has an oral fixation at this stage. I don't think I ever outgrew that. LOL.
Anyway, for those of you who are grandparents -- he is my third -- you know how much fun it is. You don't have any of the responsibilities of raising them. You just enjoy them. Reached a milestone today when he rolled over for the first time. My daughter said he was too young to do it as he twisted his hips but he finally managed to do it.
Very precious moments.
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