PK wrote on her blog over the weekend that the author of Fifty Shades of Gray
was interviewed on 20-20. I checked out the link on the show's website and
posted it in case you are interested. The show also has segments on open marriage,
a woman who pays a guy for companionship and sex (I can't imagine a woman doing
that, sounds like a male fantasy) and a show in which a woman asks celebrities their favorite sex positions.
Here's the link
Notes from Beth
13 hours ago
I was talking to an owner of an escort agency a few years back and many women used the service for dates and company at functions, as for the sex part, she could not say for sure, butt it probably happened too.....
ReplyDeleteLongbean: Thanks for sharing. I think of women using an escort service as a male fantasy but maybe not. Showtime has a show called "Hung'' about a teacher-coach who becomes an escort but it is a comedy. In the 20-20 segment, the woman admitted she loves the guy she is paying.
I would never pay a man for sex, lol! But, it takes all kinds to make the world go round:).
P.S. I've not read the book and I'm in no hurry to do so.
Kitty: Yes, it does take all kinds and I am fine with whatever consenting adults want to do.
FD -
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting this video. I find it interesting what other people do behind closed doors. The one thing that disturbed me was the children knowing they're parents were in an open relationship. I think the child was way too young to even know that term. I am not saying they should never know about it, but at least wait until they were older. Just my opinion.
Interesting video though. :)
baby: Yes, it is surprising they would let their children know at a young age. Seems like TMI.
I want that book! Dragon is saving up for a kindle and won't let me in the book store right now. :/ He knows how to make my life miserable.
ReplyDeleteRose: Sorry Dragon won't let you get the book. Is your birthday coming up soon. Seems like it would make a good present.
I just wanted to say that though I'm very happy for the author's success, if you want a bdsm romance there are SO many other offerings out there from authors who have actual bdsm experience and aren't just writing out their fantasies and what they *think* bdsm is about. Also, this particular book is not very well written. I don't mean to disparage, but I would suggest such authors as Eden Bradley/Eve Berlin and Lillian Feisty just for starters and publishers such as Samhain Publishing and Ellora's Cave for good quality bdsm romances. Just my two cents for what they're worth. :)
ReplyDeleteSamantha: Welcome to my blog and thanks for the recommendations. I also suggest Laura Reese's Panic Snap and Topping from Below. And from your blog, sounds like you are writing a book. Hope you let us know more about it.