Sunday, April 28, 2013

Healthcare Secret for Seniors

Here is a fascinating story that the best way to give seniors good healthcare is to have a nurse visit them in their homes once a week even if they are healthy. The problem is there is no money in it and Medicare doesn't want to fund it. Here's the link, long but worth a read:


Monday, April 22, 2013

A Good Enough Life

There is a lot of talk these days about the lives women live in our society.

Here's an interesting take by Elsa Walsh, who happens to be the wife of journalist Bob Woodward of Watergate fame and a successful reporter and wrier in his own right.  She talks about her life and the challenges women face in having a full life and her views on having a good enough life.

Here's the link:

Your thoughts?


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Men, Women from the same Planet

You've heard of the old cliche that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. The idea is that men and women are very different based on their gender.

Now here is a study saying that men and women aren't as different as you think. Here's the link:

I have to admit that they seem like they are more different than this study says. But I thought I'd share it with you.

Your thoughts?


Friday, April 19, 2013

How do you look?

Here's an interesting N.Y. Times story about a Dove soap video. The premise is that a woman describe herself to an artist, who draws a picture of her. Then somebody else describes her to the artist and he draws another picture.

When they put them side by side, the woman looks better in the drawing made by the other person describing her.

The point is that women tend to be too critical of themselves. Women need to be more self confident about their image. If you feel good about yourself, you project a positive image. Here's the link:

Your thoughts?


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Erotic Fiction

If you check my blogroll, I recently linked to a woman named Lil Me who started up her blog again. She also wrote a work of fiction I thought you might like to read. Here's a link:

Also, here's a link to an interesting post she wrote about the kind of Dom she is looking for.


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Does size matter?

Here's an article about women's view of men's size. Here's the link:

Your thoughts?


Don't say this

Here's an interesting article on things you should never say to your spouse. Here's the link:

Your thoughts?


Sunday, April 7, 2013

Can you tell a woman she's good looking?

Have you been following the flap about the President saying the California attorney general is the best looking one in the country?

So what do you think? Is that appropriate? Do you like to be told you're good looking or do you feel women are judged too much on their looks?

Your thoughts?