Did I get you to click on with that title? There was a bit of P.T. Barnum in that title. I read one blogger who said she got a lot of hits with those words. This blog has nothing to do with pussy or torture.
This is about a serious subject and I don't go all be Debbie Downer on you, but I want to encourage 50 plus guys to visit their doctors for a physical once a year. And to get a PSA test for the prostate.
Women are very good about getting mammograms and promoting awareness of breast cancer, which is a very worthy effort. Even when I picked up a Cheerios box today, there was a reference to pink.
But the subject of prostate cancer, which ultimately afflicts a huge number of men, gets very little attention. And many men don't go to the doctor until it's too late. My dad was one of those and he died of the disease in his 70s.
That's why I go yearly for a physical and the test. My number has been creeping up the last few years and went up a point last year even though it was still under the so-called normal level. But given my family history, the doc scheduled a biopsy. It came back negative. You can imagine that made my week. If it had been positive, it would have been early and it's very curable when it's found early.
So if you're a 50 plus guy who hasn't gone to the doctor in a while, schedule an appointment. If you're a woman who has a 50 plus guy in your life who hasn't gone lately, do some gentle nagging. Tell him some idiot blogger gave you the idea.
Ok, enough of my nagging. And if I got you here under false pretences, I hope you don't mind the message. I figure a title with the word prostate in it would be easy to ignore.
And now we'll go back to our regularly scheduled programming in the future with more fun topics. And one of these days, by popular demand, I'll write another Lisa chapter. OK, popular demand means a few requests.
I'll even really talk about pussy next time. Shaving it.
Oh, and thanks to everybody who stopped by on lurkers day and you lurkers don't have to wait until next year's lurkers day to say hello. We always have the welcoming mat out.