In the Annie Mailbox column today, there was a comment from a husband of 19 years who complained that his wife won't buy new clothes and wears out of date, ill-fitting stuff.
The authors commented on how refreshing to find a man who wants his wife to spend money on clothes.
So I thought this would be an interesting topic. I know women tend to have a reputation for loving to shop, but I also know that some don't like to or can never find anything they think looks good on them.
So the questions are: Do you like to shop or not? Do you feel you buy too many clothes or not? Does the man in your life think you spend too much money on clothes or likes you to buynew clothes and compliments you when you do? Do you shop for bargains and do you pay full price?
Anyway, let's hear what women have to say about their clothes shopping habits and what the men in their life think about those habits. Men are allowed to comment, too, on their opinion of their wives' clothes shopping.
Notes from Beth
13 hours ago
Hmm, shopping. I think most women who don't bother to dress well often have difficulty with their self image underneath. I don't always enjoy shopping, especially for something specific, but as a sport, I love it. :) And it can be athletic you know!
ReplyDeleteYes I have too much clothes, lingerie, too many shoes, handbags, etc. Yes my husband enjoys seeing me dressed well, compliments me, even insists I do.
Part of the 'sport' of shopping is finding the bargains, the deals. I try not to pay full price unless I just love something, unless it is a 'must have' item.
Man in my life? I wish!
ReplyDeleteI like to shop sometimes but I if I had it my way I'd just stay naked all the time, lol.
Just doesn't work so well with the country club set. ;)
Sara: Nice that your husband enjoys seeing you dressed well. And, yes, it is a good sport to find bargains. Part of the fun of shopping is searching for bargains.
ReplyDeleteKat5: When you do get a man in your life (and judging by your picture, they should be knocking on your door), I doubt if he'll complain if you want to go naked. LOL.
i HATE shopping with a passion - doesn't matter what for.. i HATE it...
ReplyDeleteBut society insists that we be clothed.. so does Mother Nature up here in the Great White North..... so yes i go shopping. Usually i have done the mental footwork of knowing exactly what i need...... what colours i want it in... and then head out .........
Seriously though ... if i can't find what i am looking for in a couple of hours out .. i come home.
i find i have far more success shopping from my computer........... the clothes are delivered virtually to my door..... i get to try them on in the comfort of my home.. and if i don't like them i just take them back.
Most of the time though ....... i love what i get and thus it saves me spending hours trudging around shops getting very cranky.
As for what my man thinks of what i wear.. shrug... most of the time he didn't much care.. the folks i work with however .... often mention how professional i look - or how nice ...
i dress for style and comfort - whatever the occasion.
i practically live in tennis clothes. i recently started counting my tennis outfits and stopped at 50. my husband doesn't seem to mind:)
ReplyDeleteI generally despise shopping, but every once and a while I'll get a sudden urge to go out and spend some money. This typically happens when the weather changes and I take stock of what I already have in my closet and what I'm going to need. I'm not good at shopping with other people because I have a very short attention span, so once the novelty of buying new things has worn off, I need to hightail it home or else I start to get a little antsy.
ReplyDeleteI haven't got an official man in my life, but I will say that my master does not clothes shop nearly enough. He hates shopping. I think he'd actually rather be hit by a bus than head to the mall lol. Before I ever met him he told me he had "a lot of clothes" that take up the two closets in his bedroom, so I find it hilarious now that I've actually seen his closets because he does not have that many clothes at all. He's so delusional sometimes lol.
Morningstar: Nice that you get compliments at work about your clothes. Shows you often pick out good clothes even if you hate shopping, And, yes, online shopping works.
ReplyDeleteNaughtyinaustin: Do you like to play tennis or just wear tennis outfits? As you can see from my tennis racquet logo, I'm a tennis junkie. Try to play 5-6 times a week. And now the weather is warmer, it's nice to see women out of their warmup suits while playing and into their nice outfits. The men, by contrast, wear mismatched stuff. LOL.
Trueblue: A lot of men hate shopping for clothes. Me too. My excuse is nothing fits me because I have long arms and legs and have to have things custom made or go to tall shops.
FD - I'm not one for shopping and hate it when I have to go and find something for that special occassion. When I do shop if I haven't found anything within an hour or so I give up and I never like paying full price for anything.
ReplyDeleteI did have far too many clothes but just had a clear out of my wardrobe and gave a lot to charity. My one weakness though is knickers, I have far too many :)
i play tennis several times a week. heading out the door for clinic now, in fact. it keeps me sane:) i wouldn't be caught dead in a mismatched outfit! i forgive the men, though. don't like it when they look too put together. the best men show up in a t-shirt and their racquet, not even a bag. vamos rafa!
ReplyDeleteDaddy and I go shopping's great! I wouldn't say either of us has an inordinate amount of clothes, but we do like to buy them together so that we can let each other know what we think. Nothing makes me happier than when I hear Daddy say something to the effect of "That top makes your boobs look amazing...we're getting it!"
ReplyDeleteAhhh, I'm a lucky little one... ;)
Take care,
Baby Girl :)
I hate shopping but since I have been with the SO, well I try to do it a bit more than before. Of course he doesn't seem to have a preference. Which can be annoying. I like to dress up though, I prefer it, makes me feel more feminine.
ReplyDeleteRonnie: A good bargain shopper never want to pay full price.
ReplyDeletenaughtyinaustin: Good to hear you play a lot and don't mind guys being mismatched. For morning matches, guys often look like they just rolled out of bed (they probably have) while the women tend to have their makeup on and always a matching outfit (not that I'm watching, of course. LOL).
babygirl: I can imagine you like it when he says the top makes your boobs looks good.
FloridaDienerMadchen: You put your guy on the spot when you ask his preference. He is probably worried he won't pick the one you like best. And, yes, I think women feel more feminine when they dress up.
Personally I don't have an abundance of clothes. I have a few tops that I love and a few bottoms that I love and a few nice dresses. I love to shop and if money was not an issue I would spend so much and my wardrobe would be overflowing, but since it is I focus on finding items that will last a long time, flatter my figure, and will provide variety to what I already have. My husband does not allow me to wear ill fitting clothes, or ones that he doesn't think flatter me and I am thankful for that because it means that he cares about my appearance. Luckily we have similar taste in clothing and most of what he finds flattering on me is also quite comfortable. Whenever I go clothes shopping I try to find the items on sale, or if they aren't on sale then they are fairly cheap already. There are two stores in particular that have been great for me because they do have such a variety of clothing and are generally fairly inexpensive, even when not on sale. So all in all, yes I love to shop, no I don't spend much money, and yes my husband has a say in what I do and do not wear.
ReplyDeleteI have never been a super shopper. I think I am most effected by my weight. When I was losing and seeing the sizes I needed going down I was pretty happy and really enjoyed shopping. But often when I am shopping I just feel fat and several times have found myself in tears. At these times I would say shopping is one of the most depressing things I do.
SugarAnne was just talking about going to a dress shop to look at dresses. She likes to have something new for when she gets hyper dolled up for ballroom dance nights. And I like that.
ReplyDeleteOtherwise, she doesn't really splurge on clothes. That doesn't mean that she doesn't shop, she's just usually zeroes in on the bargains. And...I like that.
She's been working out regularly and eating right so she's been looking 'mad hot' lately. She bought and wore pair of girly jeans last weekend (I like the 'girly shit') that exquisitely, yet modestly, accentuated her curves. And...I like that.
I tend to spend money on other people more than myself, the exception being books. I do enjoy clothes but I've always hated my body so I never spent too much money on clothing even though I have more than I know what to do with. However, since losing weight I do love shopping more! Sir has no problem with me purchasing clothes to reward for my healthy behavior. He does however take issue when I purchase something new and then dont throw out something I currently dont wear much or doesnt fit.
ReplyDeleteI love to shop but more than that, I love to look good and my husband [bless him] doesn't mind me shopping or even coming shopping with me. He's the best critic I have found to go shopping with. To be fair though, I never do ask him if my ass looks fat in an outfit.
ReplyDeleteI have discovered there are two types of men out there...those that give a damn about what your wearing and those that don't [or like to pretend they don't, because I think they really do]
Alice: Nice that your husband cares about your clothes and making sure they flatter you.
ReplyDeletePK: Sorry to hear that shopping can be depressing for you.
Babyman: I can imagine you like clothes that accentuate her curves.
Storey: Sorry to hear you've hated your body. Hope you feel better about it now that you're losing weight.
Petal: Yes, I think if a man cares about a woman, he cares about what she wears. The problem is if they don't have the same tastes.
It was one of the areas that was addressed by my mentor - the fact that I had held onto too many items of clothing over the years. He had me make hard choices about what would stay (only so many could be in any category) and I love having a simpler wardrobe now.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy shopping but I rarely go looking for something specific - rather, I pop into a few stores and if I happen to see something at a good price that I can truly justify purchasing, I get it.
The items my husband has chosen are my favourite pieces of clothing but there are not too many of those. If he doesn't like something I bring home, I take it back because I know I will never feel good wearing it. Again, there are not too many of those. I am very discriminating now.
I hate to shop, especially for me. Generally I grab items on clearance if shopping for myself. Master will usually be the one to say "come on, you're getting a new outfit" and drag me to women's clothing. Of course I think he prefers me in no clothes ultimately, he wants me to feel good about my appearance.
ReplyDeleteVesta: Sounds like your mentor helped you simplify your wardrobe. And I can imagine you not feeling good about wearing something if you husband doesn't like it.
ReplyDeleteviemoira: you're one of the several women who've replied who don't like to shop. And how nice of Master to want to get you a new outfit even if he ultimately prefers you with no clothes.
Hiiii :)
ReplyDeletei love to shop and i also love to dress nice wearing whatever the occasion calls for. my husband loves it too. i also like being naked but my husband thinks that if you some some clothes its what he cant see and is left to the imagination thats a real turn on.
Hi FD,
ReplyDeleteI have been threatened too many times to be sent me to Stacy and Clinton for harassment. I have to say since losing weight I feel I'm free to enjoy the dressing room. But my daughters still insist on accompanying me & I have to say they've got me not recognizing myself! So... I continue to have very few items & I really don't like the process but the results have improved.
Melons: Thanks for commenting. When a new person comments, I always check and see if they have a blog. And I see you made three posts in 2007 and stopped. Hope you start up again. Anyway, good to hear you love to shop and dress well and you like being naked but your husband prefers some clothes on so something is left to the imagination. There's something to be said for that approach.
ReplyDeleteFunKayLynn: Sounds like your daughters think mommy needs their assistance in buying clothes. But then don't daughters usually think they can improve mommy. And good to hear the results have improved.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, Thank You for commenting on my blog.
Now, to my answers to the questions you aske on my blog: We have every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday without kids...the rest of the time we have all 7 or only 3 of them. Now you know why my blog is called Chaos Uncontained. LOL
And, onto shopping questions. I hate shopping. For myself. I mostly wear jeans and T-shirts. The uniform of a mom. My ex husband bought we alot of work clothes (back in my coporate world) because I wouldn't shop for myself. Before you all OOOhhhh and Ahhhh, he was a controlling bastard--so it wasn't out of kindness but out of desire to make me wear what HE wanted. He;s long gone so, good riddance.
Now I will check out a few more posts here. Nice to "meet" you.
Hi Fd,
ReplyDeleteI have missed visiting your blog,
I do not like to shop,for myself,( love shopping for sailor though) when I do shop for me, I know what I want,I go get it, and am done. Sailor does complain that I do not spend enough on clothes for me but does approve my choice of clothing.
Lil Sam
Martie: Thanks for stopping by and hope you find some posts you like. I wondered about the choas title in your blog but I can see why having seven kids in the house could lead to a bit of choas. And I guess we'll put you in the hate shopping category.
ReplyDeleteLil Sam: How nice that sailor wants you to spend more on your clothes. Shows he wants you to look good. But we'll also put you in the don't like to shop category. I had no idea so many women don't like to shop. I thought shopping was in most women's DNA. LOL.
I shop for cloths when there are deals. My thing is that I tend to hold onto some items longer than I should - slacks, etc. My mother has a "rule" for their closets that I have not used much in mine. If they buy a pair of slacks, etc, then they must toss one. I know women who buy clothes and hang onto the old stuff. If clothes shopping was a sport, there are several I know who would be getting gold medals! They'd porbably melt them down for the metal value and spend that money on even MORE clothes!
ReplyDeleteHello FD,
ReplyDeleteWhen you get time would you take a look at my new site please? I have listed and linked your site there and I hope you dont mind? Its here:
If you know of any blogs that should be linked and listed there I would be pleased for you to let me know, if you get time.
Thanks FD:)
Dave: Good idea to throw something out when you buy something new. And, yes, some women would get gold medals for shopping but if you read the comments, some women don't like to shop.
ReplyDeleteJayne: Your new site is a good idea and I hope it gets a good response from the bloggers.
I like "naughtyinaustin's" second comment - I too would love to see guys show up in just a T shirt and tennis racket. What a visual! With that as an inducement, even I would try tennis!
ReplyDeletejaneway: I don't think some guys know that women would like them to show up on the court that way.
I wouldn't even listen to the man in my life cos its my dad and he never likes anything. I do like to shop when I have money and I usually have an idea what I want and sort of go hunting for it, I don't usually buy stuff on the spur of the moment as I like to think about how I would feel wearing it.