Friday, June 17, 2011


One of the most famous pictures in the history of photography was taken on Aug. 11, 1945 of a sailor kissing a nurse in Times Square at the end of WW II. It was published in Life Magazine and immediately became an iconic photo.

I am sure many of you know what I am talking about and have that photo embedded in your mind. If you don't, just google it.

What makes me brings this up is that the faces of the two people were not easy to see and while many people have claimed to be the ones in photo, their identity is still a matter of dispute.

Flash forward to this week when another iconic photo was taken in Vancouver of what appears to be a couple making out on the street in the middle of a riot after the 7th game of the Stanley Cup Finals. In no time, with the help of the Internet, the two people in the photo were identified and interviewed.

And the photo wasn't what it seemed. It was not a moment of passion. The woman had been knocked to the ground by a police shield and was crying and the guy she was dating was consoling her and gave her a kiss just as the photographer snapped the photo.

Amazing that in this era of video, a photograph can still capture a lot of attention.



  1. Photography is still an important way of capturing events... unfortunately, PhotoShop and all is going to diminish the value of photography... too many things can be faked now...

    The photo you mentioned first is a classic...


  2. Red Shoes: Yes, a shame that photoshop can easily fake things.


  3. I surely thought the Vancouver photo was a fake. Incredible timing!

  4. new subbie: Apparently they weren't a fake.


  5. I'm clueless, can someone share a link to the Vancouver photo?

  6. Mockingbird: Just google, Vancouver couple kissing.


  7. one of my all-time favorite pictures! its what al us little girls are made of! romance and fantasy!

  8. I always have a camera in my hand and another in my bag, that is my thing. The power of the image will I hope, always be able to tell it's story.


  9. I always try to have a camera handy, a picture is a moment captured in time.
    As an avid kayaker I take a good number of photographs out on the water.


  10. thinking: what is the old saying, little girls are made of sugar and spice. Yes, they are made of romance and fantasy.

    LittleOne and Southern Sir: Nice that you have your cameras handy.


  11. A photo captures one moment from one perspective and can so easily be taken out of context. That said, I would be lost without the erotic beauty that the camera can convey.


    Velvet <3
