Sunday, August 10, 2014

Does size matter to you?

Here's one take on whether size matters:
What do you think?


  1. It's true! My husband is a tad larger and if I ever wanted to be choked I had to do it. He lays there, like a necrophiliac. That's not fun!

  2. I need something that can fuck me hard enough to feel it. I tend to only register incredibly light tough (like feeling an ant crawl on your hand, which I then proceed to flail from) or intense amounts of force (as the sadist I play with frequently jokes, if he's not afraid of breaking bones, he's not hitting me hard enough) .
    Cocks on the smaller side generally can't make that happen, but I've been with people with average sized junk that I enjoyed. Someone with a larger cock has to be willing to put the force behind it, or I'm still not going to feel much, despite being told my junk is like a vice grip.

    The connection between myself and my partner also helps. It can make someone who was fun to hook up with the first few times absolutely fantastic once a stronger bond is made.

  3. Sir, your cock is beautiful. But it is the size of your heart that matters most to me.

