A California assemblyman named Michael D. Duvall was caught having this conversation on an open mike with a colleague:
"So, I am getting into spanking her''
His colleague replied, You are?''
He said, "Yeah, I like it"
The colleague said, "Does she?''
He said, "Yeah when I spank her. She goes, "I know you like spanking me, don't ya?''
He added, "I go, "That's because you're such a bad girl.''.
These comments were made five years and got a lot of notice recently when John Oliver played a clip of it on his HBO show. It's also on YouTube.
So I googled it and there's more. The woman he was spanking was not his wife but a lobbyist.
Reporters tried to talk to him and he fled them. He later resigned.
She is a lobbyist for a utility company and the company gave him $1,500 in campaign contributions. The company was against a bill increasing the percentage of electricity utilities must procure from environmentally sensitive sources. Naturally, he was against the bill.
The company issued a statement saying, "The employee has denied the speculative media reports. Our investigation will be conducted to ensure not only that our policies on employee conduct are strictly adhered to, but also that our employee is treated fairly.''
During the conversation, the assemblyman also said she was going up and down stairs after sex and said "you're dripping out of me.''
Oh and in the conversation caught on the mike, he said he is having a second affair.
And the guy is a conservative Republican who opposes gay marriage. Doesn't say if he opposes gays spanking. An advocacy group said he got a 100 per cent rating from for voting for pro family legislation. A spokeswoman said, "It's unfortunate he wasn't living it out.''
In comments on the story, somebody wrote, "Hey, who doesn't like some spanking now and then? Or frequently as the case may be.''
Unfortunately, this guy is not a good spokesman for spanking But it must not be such a taboo if the guy is bragging about it..
Postscript: The FBI conducted an investigation and said it would not pursue federal charges and the woman was reinstated (nice the woman didn't get fired which so often happens) and issued a statement, "This experience has been a professional and personal nightmare. I did nothing whatsoever illegal or unethical with former Assemblyman Duvall or anyone else.'' Her lawyer said what he said about her was a "plain old-fashioned lie'' although one person was quoted as saying their affair was the worst kept secret in Sacramento and they had been seen arm in arm in public. He was 54 and she was 36. A staff ,member said, "He's old and fat. He's hot, blonde and about 20 years younger. He could have never gotten a woman like that before he got this job.'' She's apparently married.
Top of the morning to ya
2 hours ago
Oh dear ... oops! What else can I say? LoL