A recent story by columnist Michelle Singletary says that couples who argue about money once a week are 30 per cent more likely to get a divorce than couples who argue about money a few times a month.
This came from a study by Jeffrey Dew, a professor of family studies at Utah State University.
The columnist also recommends reading the "State of Our Unions'' report at www.virginia.edu/marriageproject.
She says that if you find a way to deal with financial issues that are keeping you apart, you'll have deeper intimacy -- emotionally and physically. And she says couples should have serious discussions about money before they get married.
I thought it would be interesting to get feedback from our readers on this issue. Is money an issue in your marriage? Do you fight about it much? Or are you on the same page on money issues?
Your thoughts?
Needing more or needing less
1 hour ago